Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Power of Story

The Power of Story

Everyday I am reminded of the power contained in our stories as new wome share chapters of their stories with me through email and telephone. And though the stories I hear contain heartache, loss, and often very little hope, I love hearing them because across the decades of my own story God has taught me that our healing begins with our stories.

But I've also learned not every one agrees with me. I encountered a fresh reminder of that reality recently when I invited someone dear to me to use her talent and story to help other hurting women by using the pain in her past. Afterall, I thought, she survived her own painful loss and went on to rebuild her life--a life full of love and new beginnings. I felt dissapointment when she wrote back that she was willing as long as she wouldn't have to "rehash" her past. "I'm really not into that stuff," she wrote. "I feel like letting bygones be bygones and using one's life challenges as opportunities for growth."

While I agree that our challenges serve as opportunities for growth, this young woman missed the heart of my invitation and my life message: God wants to use our challenges not only as opportunities for our growth, but also as opportunities for others' healing and growth.

Hopefully in time she will experience the joy I am blessed with each day as I listen to miracles take place between the hearts of women who are willing to be vulnerably transparent with their stories. As they share--not the pretty, polished, I-look-really-good-parts--but the hurt, the loss, and yes even the mistakes, women find connection, support, and encouragement for the darkest days in their stories. In their sharing they become "Jesus with skin on" in one another's lives, and healing begins to take place.

That's what I call the Power of Story. That's what I call the miraculous!

Your Sister on this journey,
