Monday, December 1, 2008

Ice Fishing

By: Coach Christy

I live in Minnesota, and an amazing phenomenon occurs every winter. Our 10,000 lakes become populated with virtual towns as the ice fishing season begins. You can even have a pizza delivered to your ice house.

I will never understand ice fishing. I am not native to Minnesota, and I cannot see the sense in sitting out on a frozen lake waiting for the fish to bite. More so are the countless stories at the beginning and end of each ice fishing season about cars and trucks going though the ice from trying to go out too soon or stay out too long. You would think that people would learn from the mistakes of others - or even from their own, but it happens multiple times every year. Most of the time, the driver is the only person in the vehicle, but at times, others - family, children, friends - also have to be pulled out of the freezing water to safety.

Addiction is much the same. The addict no doubt hears - and may even witness - the pitfalls of addiction. They are in some way aware of the damage it can do and the consequences that are out there. But for some reason they think that they will be different. It won't happen to them. The next thing they know, they are sinking down into the murky water of their own making. And it is rare that the addict is the only one to suffer the consequences of their choices.

Each of us has been pulled down into the mire of our spouse's addiction through no choice of our own. We have struggled to keep our heads above water. This is why our ministry exists - to help women navigate their way back to shore and recover from their husband's painful, dangerous choices. The addict may still chose to drive out on the thin, cracking ice - but we do have a choice whether or not to go with them.

It is my prayer for every woman dealing with a sexually addicted spouse to be able to find and cling to their Lifeline - Jesus. He will not abandon you to the depths. Also, if you have not done so already, seek out a healthy support group to walk with you through this difficult and painful time. You are not alone.

Email Coach Christy at

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