Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Will You Be Our Friend?

A Woman’s Healing Journey is now member to many social websites. Would you be our friend and connect with us in cyberspace? Just click on a link below to connect with us.

] MySpace

] MyChurch

] LinkedIn

] Twitter

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Survey: Online Forums/Community

A Woman’s Healing Journey is planning a new online community in 2009. We currently have the online forums running, but there is a demand for something greater.

Will you help us develop this new community for wives of sex addicts?

] Participate in a quick survey

I recently discovered the "wonderful world of Facebook". For the last year, since my husband's disclosure, I have felt isolated and forgotten. We had pastored a large protestant church in our community for 17 years and my husband had been a leader in our denomination, yet few reach out to him and virtually no one reached out to me. I describe the feeling as being erased.

On the urging of my husband I joined Facebook. His thought was that by joining I could view his site and that would make me feel ok about the people he had as friends. Within hours of joining, I was reconnected to the outside world. Old friends, caring and curiosity seekers alike, sought to be my "Facebook friend". My husband and I decided to be very bold and truthful on our sites. We are speaking out about same-sex attraction issues and how recovery is possible. We are eager to reach out to other couples that are suffering from the same-sex attraction issues. We can make it through with a willing heart, a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and love for each other. Whether same-sex feelings go away or not, we are called to love one another. I was reminded this morning, while I was reading the Love Dare, that "love that chooses to love is just as powerful as love that feels like loving. In many ways, it's a truer love because it has its eyes wide open".

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Much Love to you all,

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Thinking . . . By Coach Joyce

I've been thinking about this past year and frankly, I'm so glad it's over!
This begins a New Day. A new journal and a new attitude towards my marriage. I have asked God for new opportunities and new vision for the year. I have chosen this scripture as my life verse for the year to:

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the
creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and
his understanding NO ONE can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and
increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and
young men stumble and fall; BUT those who hope in the Lord WILL renew
their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; the will run
and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40: 28-31 NIV

My prayer is that God will teach me to wait on Him and rely on Him as my source of all my needs. Al belongs to Him and He has to take care of Al - I can't do anything about this situation but trust that God has things in control. I just have to WAIT!

Don't I sound like a different person - AMAZING! God has really beenworking on my heart. Fortunately, I have made a choice to submit to my Lord. I'm so tired of thinking about "my pain". I need to move beyond this. Yesterday I decided to reflect on what I've learned this past year. I have come up with 25 items that I have been taught.
1) Keep your eyes on God;
2) Study to understand;
3) Don't take (accept) other people's labels just
because they have initials after their
4) You don't have to have your situation put in a
5) Don't let the world, books, or any other person
dictate how should feel, act, or respond;
6) Learn to be Ok with yourself;
7) Do things you wouldn't normally do and learn from
8) Love anyway!
9) Its Ok to feel;
10) God will never leave or forsake you even when
you've forsaken yourself;
11) When the help that you sought gives you bad advice –
you don't have to take it! Get mad enough to refuse
to be put in a mold. Your behavior,
reactions, and eventual recovery has to be
12) As Winston Churchill said; "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER,
13) God is all sufficient. He really does care and He
really does have a plan.
14) Be careful who you trust. Just because they say they
care or are your friend doesn't mean they really
15) Be slow to judge others;
16) Even the suckiest situation can have a positive
17) Learn to wait;
18) Emotional pain comes in all sizes and shapes - be
careful how you react and respond;
19) Be willing to care even when you don't
20) We are all imperfect frail human beings - Get over
21) Love never gives up or "calls uncle";
22) Learn to discern - not all tools are the right ones
for your situation;
23) Stop thinking so much about yourself and start
thinking about the other person;
24) Pray everyday for your husband (wife). Bring them
before the Lord.
25) If you can't sleep, use the time for prayer,
reading, journaling - what ever you have to do to
make it a positive time for you. What Satan means
for evil, God can make good!!!

I thought I'd share these revelations with you. I hope you all have awonderful New Year and that God gives you revelations and strength to share them.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celebrating 10 Years!

This month, Marsha is celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Living with Your Husband’s Secret Wars. Originally published in 1999, Living with Your Husband’s Secret Wars helped wives of sex addicts deal with their husband’s acting out when talking about sexual addiction was taboo in the church!

Since 1999, thousands of copies of Living with Your Husband’s Secret Wars have sold. The church has recognized sexual immorality as a serious problem. And Marsha has personally helped thousands of women through her books, speaking engagements, coaching, support groups, and website.

In honor of the 10 year anniversary, A Woman’s Healing Journey is offering both Living with Your Husband’s Secret Wars and the Partner’s Healing Journey workbook for $10 each. If you already have a copy, purchase another and donate it to your church library to help other women seeking hope in a painful time in their lives.