Monday, April 13, 2009

Counselors, Support Group Leaders for Wives of Sex Addicts

Good Morning!

With Marsha's coming move to Mexico, A Woman's Healing Journey is liquidating as much of its inventory as possible. This spells OPPORTUNITY for those that supply workbooks to support group members or to clients.

Counselors. Some of you give copies of Partner's Healing Journey workbooks to your clients, this is an awesome service that arms wives with the tools to cope with their husband's acting out and to begin to heal.

Support Groups Facilitators. You use the workbook on a weekly basis to lead wives on their healing journey. The workbook provides an easy format for support group facilitation, even if you are not trained as a counselor.

Churches. Increasingly, church staffs are faced with the pain of sex addiction in parishioner's lives. You can provide truly helpful support and a pathway for understanding and healing by giving hurting partners of sex addicts a workbook.

If you do not have a support group started yet, we have prepared a Leading the Group download (attached) to help you lead a group.

Here is the opportunity! We have several cases of workbooks that we would rather not move! Each case has 50 workbooks and we are willing to extend the current discount (2 workbooks for $10) to entire cases.

50 workbooks (1 case) for $250
This is a $750 retail value that can increase funds for your organization or ministry, or allow you to give out free workbooks, or pass the discount along to your clients/group members.

Supply is limited and after Marsha's move, these prices will no longer be available!

] Purchase a Case Today

Helping Wives of Addicts,
A Woman's Healing Journey Staff

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