Monday, June 1, 2009

My New Life in Mazatlan, Mexico

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Mexico? Drug wars? Swine Flue? A tropical paradise with beautiful beaches?

In the three weeks since I drove into my new city of Mazatlan, Mexico I’ve only begun to absorb the kaleidoscope of color and the symphony of sound that excites my senses and enriches life here. But already I know I love this place. And I know that in the months and years ahead I will want to share with you often about this vibrant new country I call home, as well as tell you about the locals who’ve made room in their world for me.

But today I want to answer the question I’ve been asked most often since heading south: Why did you move to Mexico, and why did you choose Mazatlan?

] Finish Reading about Marsha's Move to Mexico

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