Friday, May 16, 2008

Groundbreaking Book for Wives Released

Wives Dealing with Sexual Betrayal Can Survive
Dr. Barbara Stephens and Marsha Means, M.A. have released the first chapter of their new book focusing on the trauma and post traumatic stress wives of sex addicts experience.

Sexual addiction is a growing epidemic in our society due to several factors, including a sexually saturated media. Many men (and women) act out through extra-marital affairs, prostitution, obsessive masturbation, and addiction to internet relationships and pornography.

“I felt like I had no idea who he was. Information came out slowly and there were layers upon layers of lies that he told to conceal the level of his addiction. I had no idea who my husband was and it scared me … My world that had seemed so secure, was completely falling apart,” explains one wife.

Dr. Barbara Stephens conducted pioneering research into the trauma that sexual betrayal brings to a wife. Her studies indicated that a high percentage of women suffer from trauma and post traumatic stress.

Marsha Means, M.A. is a counselor, author, and former wife of a sex addict. Over the past fifteen years she has counseled thousands of women dealing with their husband’s sexual acting out.

Now, Dr. Stephens has joined forces with Marsha Means, M.A. to author “Through A Trauma Lens: Viewing Sexual Betrayal as Trauma”. These experienced counselors provide researched insight into the devastating pain and confusing symptoms women experience when faced with this addiction.

The first chapter of “Through A Trauma Lens: Viewing Sexual Betrayal as Trauma” is available online at The full edition is scheduled to be released later this year.

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