Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I recently discovered the "wonderful world of Facebook". For the last year, since my husband's disclosure, I have felt isolated and forgotten. We had pastored a large protestant church in our community for 17 years and my husband had been a leader in our denomination, yet few reach out to him and virtually no one reached out to me. I describe the feeling as being erased.

On the urging of my husband I joined Facebook. His thought was that by joining I could view his site and that would make me feel ok about the people he had as friends. Within hours of joining, I was reconnected to the outside world. Old friends, caring and curiosity seekers alike, sought to be my "Facebook friend". My husband and I decided to be very bold and truthful on our sites. We are speaking out about same-sex attraction issues and how recovery is possible. We are eager to reach out to other couples that are suffering from the same-sex attraction issues. We can make it through with a willing heart, a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and love for each other. Whether same-sex feelings go away or not, we are called to love one another. I was reminded this morning, while I was reading the Love Dare, that "love that chooses to love is just as powerful as love that feels like loving. In many ways, it's a truer love because it has its eyes wide open".

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Much Love to you all,


Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful that you and your husband can be so public about this. My husband wants everything kept as private as possible because he is so ashamed. He has a hard time finding other men with the same problem but he has found helpful support in a Christian group called "For Men Only". There is no corresponding wives group so I feel a little isolated.

You have been very encouraging and I thank God for you and your husband and the work you are doing in facebook.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing so openly. SA in the Christian community feels even more painful. I have a safe faith community to be in, but I feel for those who are alone or outcast.
Please keep posting.

Joyce Wise said...

That's what this is all about, encouraging one another. My husband is making himself available to talk with men who have the same type of issues. He sets ground rules so that confidentiality is secured and so the men feel free to be open and honest. He is currently offering this service free of charge as part of his healing. If there is any interest in this, you can contact me at I am also working on establishing a SSA Wives e-group.

Thanks so much for your comments
